Tentang gua....

- Aldi Rocket 7
- Riot City, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
- saya cukup friendly n open minded. Kadang bisa menyenangkan, kadang membosankan, menyebalkan, dan kadang jg emosional dan cenderung nekad. Saya Insomnia, moody, complicated, introvert. Tp saya bukan pengganggu atau perusak :)
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
Sejarah Mie Instan
Ini nii ceritanya .....
Ditinggal orang tuanya, Ando yang berumur 3 tahun harus membantu neneknya mengurus rumah. Balita ingusan itupun mesti menjaga toko. Belum lagi harus mencuci pakaian dan mamasak. Hasilnya positif, ia jadi pintar masak-memasak, sebaliknya sekolahnya terlantar.
Menjadi pedagang adalah angan-angannya. Harta peninggalan orang tuanya pun digunakan untuk berdagang pakaian rajutan di Taiwan dan Osaka, Jepang. Usahanya terbilang maju. Ia pun bisa kembali ke bangku sekolah menyelesaikan pendidikan yang sempat terbengkalai.
Namun kemudian ia dituduh korupsi dalam perdagangan senjata dan onderdil pesawat. Ia lantas dijebloskan ke bui. Setelah 2 tahun hidup di Hotel Prodeo, ia pun dibebaskan. Pada 1956, satu-satunya harta yang tertinggal adalah rumah.
Masa itu Amerika Serikat sedang gencar-gencarnya menyumbangkan gandum ke Jepang yang sedang paceklik pangan. Harga terigu menjadi murah. Pemerintah Jepang pun menganjurkan rakyatnya mengonsumsi roti dan terigu sebagai pengganti nasi.
Melihat banyak orang melahap mie, di dekat toserba hankyu di Osaka, pikiran Ando terbuka. Mengapa tidak membuat mie dari terigu? Bukankah orang Jepang sangat menyukai mie.
Apalagi mie dirasa enak, murah, tahan lama, dan tidak sulit mengolahnya.
Ide liar itu terus bergulir di benaknya. Cuma ia tidak mau membikin mie biasa yang sudah banyak beredar di pasaran. Ia ingin membuat mie bentuk lain yang enak, lebih cepat dan mudah diolah, serta gampang didapat dimana-mana.
Ando mulai mewujudkan impiannya dengan membeli mesin pembuat mie dan bereksperimen membuat mie instant di emper belekang rumahnya. Mula-mula mie digoreng agar lebih awet, gurih, dan cepat diolah.
Lalu menimbang-nimbang rasa yang pas untuk kuah itu. Dipilihnya kuah ayam karena yang netral. Ando membawa contoh mie instannya ke sebuah toko serba ada. Ternyata semuanya ludes hari itu juga. Waktu itu tahun 1958.
Emperan rumahnya tak kuasa menampung pesanan. Ia memindahkan usahanya ke sebuah gudang kosong di Osaka. Di sana Ando membuat mie instant dibantu keluarganya.
Sejak itu perusahaan-perusahaan besar berebut ingin menjadi penyalur mie instannya. Desember 1958, Ando menamai perusahaannya Nissin Foods. Beberapa bulan kemudian ia pindah ke sebuah pabrik seluas 20.000m2. tahun 1960 ia membuka pabrik kedua, dan tahun berikutnya lahir pabrik baru lagi.
Meski mie instant laris manis, Ia tak bosan-bosan bereksperimen untuk terus memperbaiki mutu. Bahkan ada keinginan memperkenalkan dan mejualnya ke luar negeri.
Untuk menjajaki kemungkinan itu, ia pergi berkeliling Eropa dan Amerika tahun 1966. di sana ia melihat orang makan mie dengan garpu, tanpa kuah dan memakai piring, dan menyeruput mie dianggap tidak sopan.
Ia juga mengamati ada kaldu yang bisa dilarutkan dengan air panas tanpa harus dimasak. Ada gelas kertas sekali pakai dan kertas almunium sebagai wadah kedap udara.
Ando pun mendapat ilham membuat mie instant dalam wadah berbahan stereofoam, yang lantas ditutup rapat dengan lembaran aluminium. Mie gelas itu tidak perlu dimasak, cukup diseduh. Supaya tidak hancur terkocok-kocok, mie dibuat lebih tebal. Disediakan pula garpu untuk memakannya.
Di puncak keberhasilannya, Ando yang pada tahun 1988 genap berumur 77 tahun, membuka Foodeum di Shinjuku, Tokyo. Gedung itu disebut pula ISTANA MIE karena mempunyai beberapa restoran mie, tempat disko, dan museum mie.
Kamis, 20 Mei 2010
Cobain was raised by working-class parents, and his family had a musical background. His maternal uncle Chuck Fradenburg starred in a band called The Beachcombers, his Aunt Mari Earle played guitar and performed in bands throughout Grays Harbor County, and his great-uncle Delbert had a career as an Irish tenor; making an appearance in the 1930 film King of Jazz. Cobain was described as a happy, lively, and caring child. His talent as an artist was evident from an early age. His bedroom was described as having taken on the appearance of an art studio,[5] where he would accurately draw his favorite characters from films and cartoons such as Aquaman, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Disney characters like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and Pluto.[11] This enthusiasm was encouraged by his grandmother Iris Cobain, who was a professional artist herself. Cobain began developing an interest in music early in his life. According to his Aunt Mari, he began singing at two years old. At age four, Cobain began singing and playing the piano, writing a song about their trip to a local park. He would listen to artists like the Ramones[12] and sing songs like Arlo Guthrie's "Motorcycle Song," The Beatles' "Hey Jude,"Terry Jacks' "Seasons in the Sun" and the theme song to The Monkees television show at a young age.[13]
His parents divorced when he was eight years old, an event which he later said had a profound effect on his life. His mother noted that his personality changed dramatically — Cobain became more defiant and withdrawn.[14] In a 1993 interview, he elaborated:
"I remember feeling ashamed, for some reason. I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn't face some of my friends at school anymore, because I desperately wanted to have the classic, you know, typical family. Mother, father. I wanted that security, so I resented my parents for quite a few years because of that."[15]
Cobain's parents both went on to find new partners after the divorce. His father promised not to remarry; he did, however, after meeting Jenny Westeby.[16] The two Cobain males, Westeby and her two children Mindy and James moved into a new in household together. Cobain liked Westeby at first, who gave him the maternal attention he desired.[16][17] In January 1979, Westeby gave birth to Chad Cobain.[16] This new family, which Cobain insisted was not his real one, was in stark contrast the attention Cobain was used to receiving as an only child; he soon began to express resentment toward his stepmother.[16][17] His mother began dating a man who was abusive towards her. Cobain witnessed the domestic violence inflicted towards her, and there was one incident that resulted in her being hospitalized with a broken arm.[17][18] Wendy refused to press charges, and remained completely committed to the relationship.[18]
Cobain's personality continued to change, where he would behave insolently toward adults and began severely bullying another boy at school. Eventually, his father and Westeby took him to a therapist, who concluded that he was in need of a single family.[18] Both sides of the family attempted to bring his parents back together, but to no avail. On June 28, 1979, Cobain's mother granted full custody of their son to his father.[19] Cobain's teenage rebellion soon became too overwhelming for his father however, and he was placed in the care of his differing family and friends.
While living with the born-again Christian family of his friend Jesse Reed, Cobain became a devout Christian and regularly attended church services. Cobain later renounced Christianity during early adolescence, engaging in what would be described as "anti-God" rants. The song "Lithium" is about his experience while living with the Reed family. Religion would still play an important part in Cobain's personal life and beliefs, as he often used Christian imagery in his work and maintained a constant interest in Jainism and Buddhist philosophy. The band name Nirvana was taken from the Buddhist concept, which Cobain described as "freedom from pain, suffering and the external world," which paralleled with the punk rock ethic and ideology. Cobain would regard himself as both a Buddhist and a Jain during different points of his life, including through watching late night television documentaries on both subjects.[20][21][22]
Despite not being interested in sports, he was enrolled in the junior high school wrestling team at the insistence of his father. Despite being skilled, he despised the experience because of the ridicule he endured from his teammates and coach, and allowed himself to be pinned in order to spite his father. His father later enlisted him in a little league baseball team, where Cobain would intentionally strike out to avoid having to play.[23] Cobain was more interested in art instead. He often drew during school classes, including objects associated with human anatomy. When given a caricature assignment for an art course, Cobain drew a posing Michael Jackson. When his art teacher told him the caricature would be inappropriate to be displayed in a school hallway, Cobain drew an unflattering sketch of then-President Ronald Reagan.
Cobain befriended a homosexual student at school, sometimes suffering bullying from homophobic students who concluded that Cobain was gay. In a 1993 interview with The Advocate, Cobain claimed that he was "gay in spirit" and "probably could be bisexual." He also stated that he used to spray paint "God Is Gay" on pickup trucks in the Aberdeen area. However, Aberdeen police records show that the phrase for which he was arrested was actually "Ain't got no how watchamacallit".[25] One of his personal journals states, "I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes."[26]
As attributed to numerous of Cobain's classmates and family members, the first concert he attended was Sammy Hagar and Quarterflash at the Seattle Center Coliseum in 1983.[5][27] Cobain, however, claimed his first attended concert to be the Melvins–an experience of which he wrote prolifically in his Journals.[28] As a teenager living in Montesano, Cobain eventually found escape through the thriving Pacific Northwest punk scene, going to punk rock shows in Seattle. Eventually, Cobain began frequenting the practice space of fellow Montesano musicians the Melvins.
During the second semester of his sophomore year, Cobain began living with his mother in Aberdeen. Two weeks prior to graduation, he dropped out of Aberdeen High School after realizing that he did not have enough credits to graduate. His mother gave him a choice: find employment or leave. After one week, Cobain found his clothes and other belongings packed away in boxes.[29] Banished from his mother's home, Cobain often stayed at friends' houses and sneaked into his mother's basement occasionally.[30] Cobain claimed that during periods while homeless, he lived under a bridge over the Wishkah River,[30] an experience that inspired the Nevermind track "Something in the Way". However, Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic said, "He hung out there, but you couldn't live on those muddy banks, with the tides coming up and down. That was his own revisionism."[31]
In late 1986, for the first time, Cobain moved into an apartment and paid his rent by working at a Polynesian coastal resort approximately 20 miles north from Aberdeen.[32] During this period, he was traveling more frequently to Olympia, Washington, to observe rock concerts.[33] During his visits to Olympia, Cobain formed a relationship with Tracy Marander, who reportedly was the subject of the song "About a Girl", and is listed in the photo credits on the album Bleach.
After Marander had separated from him, Cobain began dating Tobi Vail, an influential DIY punk zinester of the riot grrrl band Bikini Kill. After meeting Vail, Cobain vomited due to being so overwhelmed with anxiety through his infatuation with her. This would inspire the lyric; "Love you so much it makes me sick," which would appear in the song "Aneurysm".[34] While Cobain would regard Vail as his female counterpart, his relationship with her waned: Cobain desired the maternal comfort of a traditional relationship; which Vail regarded as sexist within a countercultural punk rock community. People who dated Vail would be described by her friend Alice Wheeler as "fashion accessories."[35] They would spend most of their time as a couple discussing political and philosophical issues. Cobain's experience of his relationship with Vail would inspire the lyrical content of numerous of the songs on Nevermind. When discussing topics such as anarchism and punk rock with friend Kathleen Hanna, she once spraypainted "Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit" on his apartment wall. Teen Spirit was the name of a deodorant Vail wore, that Hanna would joke Cobain smelled like. Cobain, however, was unaware of this, and interpreted the slogan as having a revolutionary meaning. The slogan inspired the title to the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit".
Senin, 17 Mei 2010
sociology is a young science, although his age has been progressing quite long:
since people know the cultural and civilization, the "man as a social Life" has attracted much attention, namely:
beginning the public review only people Who Are Interested in the issues That attract public attention just like for example:
- Crimes
- War
- The power of the ruling class
- The Religious
The first sociology occurred in continental Europe
development and concern for the society consists in every community in the world.
As for thoughts on society that is slowly getting the form as a science, which is then called "sociology" was the first time that happened in continental Europe, in which many businesses that are scientific and non scientific
that form of sociology as a science, which gradually and then get the shape as a stand-alone science.
Unlike in Europe, unlike in the U.S. also with sociology in the united states is linked with efforts to improve human social circumstances and as a driving force to solve problems on issues such inflicted caused by:
- Crime
- Violations
- Prostitution
- Unemployment
- Poverty
- Conflict
- War
19th century French philosopher (Auguste Comte):
Wrote several books that contain common approaches to learning communities:
- He believes that science has given precedence to the logic, and any research conducted through certain stages and then reached the last stage of the scientific stage.
- Assuming he has the time has come that all the research on social problems and the symptoms of people entering the last stage of the scientific stage.
- He suggested that all research on society upgraded to a "science of society that stand alone", which was the name given at that time that sociology (1839)
The birth of sociology recorded in 1842, when Comte published the last volume of his book entitled "positive-philosophy" which is very famous.
Since Herbert spencer develop a systematic study of society in his book entitled "Principles of Sociology" half a century later the term became more popular sociology and the sociology of thanks to his services, he also develops very rapidly.
Sociology developing rapidly with the 20th century, especially in France, Germany and the U.S..
Unlike in the UK is the science is not very rapid progress, although John Stuart Mill and Herbert Spencer is a British man who had developed the research community.
Sociology as a science
With the human mind to get science, with human feelings can achieve pleasure. Was a means to maintain and improve the science is called (logically), improve behavior, quality of art called the (ethics and aesthetics)
Elements of science:
1. knowledge
2. systematically arranged
3. menggunkan thoughts
4. can be controlled by others / general
in a simple science that include:
1. knowledge
2. methods to acquire knowledge
3. arranged systematically
in other words science is:
knowledge gained by using imiah and arranged systematically, using the power of thought and can be checked and controlled by everyone who wants to know.
1. sociology is a social science.
2. sociology is not a normative discipline that will be but a discipline that categorically, that means: sociology limit ourselves on what is happening today and not about what had happened.
3. sociology is a science of pure knowledge rather than applied science.
4. sociology is a science that is abstract rather than concrete science.
5. sociology aims to generate insights and general patterns.
6. sociology is an empirical science and rational.
7. general science of sociology is not a specialized science.
- Teachings "Wulan Reh" created by Sri liege Mangkunegoro IV of Surakarta, among others, teaches:
Good relations between the Java community members who come from different factions, many contain aspects of sociology, especially in the field of intergroup relations.
- Ki Hajar Dewantoro
The main pioneer who laid the foundations for national education in Indonesia, contributed very much in sociology by the concepts of leadership and a real kinship with Indonesia that practiced in educational organizations Taman Siswa
- Then when seen from the results of the works of Dutch scholars before the second world war which took the Indonesian community as the center of attention, such as for example "Hurgonje Snouch writings, C. Van Vollenhoven, Ter Haar, Duyvendak etc, then in the works Works rose looks the sociological elements that are used in scientific and peeled.
- After the proclamation of Indonesian independence on 17 August 1945, an Indonesian scholar of "Professor.. Mr. Soenario Kolopaking, for the first time giving lectures in sociology at the Academy of Political Science in 1948 in Yogyakarta, which later merged in the University of Gajah Mada University and then became the Faculty of Social and Politics.
- In 1950 the opening of opportunities for Indonesian scholars and students to study abroad. Since it began there were some people of Indonesia to deepen his knowledge of sociology, there banhkan including those who study science in particular. By increasing people to deepen and specialize in sociology then be a boost to the development and spread of the sociology of science.